
The application is called "FoXRay." AppStore:

The application does not have an auto-renewal subscription feature.

Be sure to manually update your subscription at least once a week!

The application has paid features, but they are not necessary for the application to work. It is not necessary to spend money on additional features. Instead, it is recommended to consider purchasing Shadowrocket.

Тext instructions

Open the FoXray app

Select the Subscriptions section from the menu below.

Press the "+" at the top to add a subscription.

  1. In the "name" field, enter ZGC.

  2. Enter the previously copied link in the URL field

  3. After that, click the Subscribe button below.

Turn on/Turn off VPN

  • Press the bottom left FoXray

  • If you have done everything correctly before, a list of servers will appear.

  • To connect to the VPN, click the ▶️ button next to the server name.

Last updated